Yesterday was a very easy day. The temperatures were in the lower 90s; a huge relief compared to earlier in the week. I felt strong. The terrain was hilly, but not difficult. I got a ferry ride across the Ohio River into Kentucky. Ate really good fried fish at Dutton's in Cave-in-Rock, Illinois. Passed through some neat little towns in Kentucky and lots of corn, sorghum and tobacco fields.

Here's Matt from Lafayette, CO. That looks like Bella and Bob behind him, but it's actually his bike. Smart guy.

Today, I reached Lebanon, TN. Today was harder. I guess yesterday caught up with me. I did, however, regain my legs in the afternoon. Second wind, if you want to call it. I needed it too. Lots of up and downs, some long climbs and more traffic today. Had a great lunch at a very nifty cafe in Springfield, TN. You have to climb this massively steep hill to get to the courthouse (below) and downtown though. Stopped for Happy Hour at Sonic in White House and was a semi-celebrity. Every other person wanted to talk to me and ask about my trip.

Earlier in the day, as I was leaving the nice town of Adams, TN, a car pulls up beside me and tells me to stop at the school. I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant. But I talked myself into stopping, because what would anyone want with my stuff, right? Turns out, Allan's wife saw me riding by and Allan jumped in his car to catch me. He had a heart attack last winter and has been in recovery. Next spring, he wants to ride from his home Adams to Moline, IL, where he has family. Allan wanted to pick my brain and talk about bike touring. I think what he wants to do is awesome.

I am so close to being finished. My mindset has changed some. I've become less caught in the journey and more looking at the destination. Part is because I've been on the road for over 6 weeks. I think since I am back in the south, the novelty has worn off too. I'm familiar with where I am, it's not as new a place as Kansas or Idaho. Finally, I am sure I am ready to be done with the heat and humidity.
But I've decided I am going to push past home and go ahead and ride towards the Atlantic. There's gonna be some tough days since I have to climb into the Appalachians and the heat is gonna crank up. But if things go well, I hope to be on the coast by next weekend.
Cross your fingers and continue to keep me in your prayers.
Praying for you coach. God speed and feel the breeze...from one of your many fans!
We know you can do it! You're an inspiration! Breathe in that Atlantic Salt air when you get there!
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