Friday, December 31, 2010


Here's a recap of my 2010 through some of my favorite pictures:

Wendy and Sophia
Jongo Java
Secret Agents
Senior wrestlers
Free Water
The Dejongs
Population 10
Me and Al
Long's Peak
Greeley Fairgrounds
Bella with Elaine and Dan
Monkeys at Library
Harveyville tower
Lunch near Alexandria
Welcome to NC
Egg Rolls!
Big Family 2

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I list photography as one of my hobbies, so it was with a sad and nostalgic heart that I learned today was the last time anywhere in the world that Kodak Kodachrome was to be developed. Kodak stopped making the film in 2009 and today, in tiny Parsons, Kansas, in a 75 year old family photography business, the last roll will be commercially developed.

Digital is the current wave and future of photography. I still hang on to my old Canon EOS Rebel 35mm because maybe I'll be cool enough to break it out and snap photos and develop them on my own like those nifty people I sometimes meet. This summer, a girl bike touring was carrying a vintage camera from the 50s. Admittedly, she said she hadn't used it a lot because it's so much easier to snap a photo and go with her compact digital. Another guy was riding from Chicago to New Mexico carrying a medium format. And a third was taking photos with just a Polaroid.

Check out these links, there's a small piece of history that we're not getting back now. The human story is told in many ways, photographs just one of the means. As said by Claire O'Neill, "It's not the end of the world, but is certainly the end of an era."

For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas

A Color-Saturated Sun Sets on Kodachrome

The Kodachrome Project

The Last Roll of Kodachrome Film Ever Will Be Developed Today

Goodbye (Again) To The Last Rolls Of Kodachrome Film

Photos: Steve McCurry's Last Roll Of Kodachrome
Steve McCurry was given by Kodak the last roll of Kodachrome produced.

ABC News - nice photo montage (and a shout out to Rosie the Riveter).


Look at all my friends!

You’ve Got to Have (150) Friends (NY Times)

According to Oxford University anthropologist Robin Dunbar, the most number of friends that we can meaningful relationships with is 150. In the Facebook world, anyone beyond that is simply a "voyeur". They are able to "peek" into your life but do not necessarily meaningfully contribute on social and emotional levels.

I have 654 friends on Facebook. I know, because I just checked. All are great in their own ways and there are so many unique, talented and interesting individuals. But true "friends"? I have old classmates and former students. Co-workers and people I've met in my travels. But the "inner circle" is small. And that's okay; I wouldn't want it any other way.

The part of the article that fascinated me was:

In the real world, according to research by myself and others, we devote 40 percent of our limited social time each week to the five most important people we know, who represent just 3 percent of our social world and a trivially small proportion of all the people alive today.

The world population is in the neighborhood of 6.5 billion people. If this statement is true, most people devote nearly half their social time to 7.6923077e-10 percent (my math) of the people on earth. I think that speaks a little to how insignificant we all are. I also think it speaks volumes about how infinitely significant those closest to us are.

Bell's Invention

I was randomly snapping images with my Canon S90, messing with settings and stuff, and this was one of the images I ended up with.

Why post it? I'm one of the few people I know that still has a land line. It mostly receives telemarketers (I got a call from the NRA today), but I do use it when I am home. So give me a call... if you know the number.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wondrous Love

"Agape is insanity to reason."

This strange love of the Father, to send his son to love us, though we're sinful, prideful and selfish, makes no sense.


Yet, it's my hope...

Jesus and Colbert and Grace

Stephen Colbert and the Gospel:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Jesus Is a Liberal Democrat
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>March to Keep Fear Alive

Some Colbertisms:
"Jesus said we only have to love those who deserve it."
I'm glad that grace doesn't work like that. I sure don't deserve it. Somehow, I'm a recipient of it.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we've got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are or we've got to acknowledge that he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy, without condition, and then admit that we just don't want to do it."
True grace is given to those who need it, but do not necessarily deserve it. Colbert gets it and that's what he's saying in this satire.

Christ came because we could not save ourselves. In Mark 2:17, Jesus says, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

It seems as if many are saying that we'll give you help, we'll give you a doctor, when you feel better. That's not the gift of the Gospel. That's not Grace. Grace is summed up in Romans 5:8-- "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Grace is not at all about anything I've done. When I truly believe that, then I'll be able to love in the way that Christ loved: unconditional, sacrificial and with nothing in return.